Meet Your Functional Medicine Provider:

Kelly A. Headley, DMSc, PA-C

Kelly Headley is a Physician Associate*, having received her training at the top PA program through Duke University School of Medicine. She has specialized in Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, and Primary Care, creating a background uniquely tailored to Functional Medicine. She has attained a Doctor of Medical Science degree as well as a Bachelors degree in Nutritional Sciences. She has also served as principal PA instructional faculty at the Medical University of South Carolina and Charleston Southern University.

Beyond credentials, PA Headley has dedicated her career to 1) patient education and empowerment, 2) lifestyle medicine, and the 3) continual pursuit of knowledge in the art and science of medicine.

In order to bring the best to her patients, she has completed all training modules through the Institute for Functional Medicine, the only FM program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education.

Advanced Practice Modules:

  • Immune

  • Cardiometabolic

  • Hormone

  • Bioenergetics

  • Environmental Health

  • Gastrointestinal

  • Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice

*The PA profession underwent a title change in 2021, from Physician Assistant to Physician Associate, to better reflect the level of medical responsibility and training rigor of the licensed PA. The title change is ongoing and some states and organizations have already adopted the title, Physician Associate. The title change process is ongoing in SC. PA Headley collaborates with a SC Family Medicine Physician, who provides clinical and administrative support.

Learn more about your Zone Blue provider on the Healthy Charleston Podcast!

The Functional Medicine Approach

Functional Medicine dives deep to identify root causes of chronic illness and feeling unwell.  We are trained in both conventional allopathic medicine and functional medicine, which provides a broad understanding of the body in well and sick states.  It also allows for a more robust approach to treating diseases with restorative natural treatments as well as pharmaceuticals.

Root causes of feeling unwell or disease states are often multifactorial.  Functional medicine considers all possible causes and then utilizes safe, effective tools to reverse those factors.  It looks at the mind, body, and spirit as one, intricate, and inseparable system, not separate organs with disconnected functions.

In the Functional Medicine approach, we look at medical conditions as dynamic and moving along a spectrum, not as fixed and fated diseases.  Often, the digestive tract or “gut” is a major source for health problems, even if one does not have classic digestive issues.  Restoring healthy balance to the gut is a key component of functional medicine’s comprehensive approach to health.  In addition to gut health, we take a deep dive into all potential contributing factors that have accumulated over your lifespan.  

What’s in a Name?

Zone Blue is inspired by the concept of “Blue Zones,” which are unique communities identified throughout the world as having the longest health spans and disproportionately large numbers of people living to 100 years and beyond.  

Being “In the Zone” is an immersive state of mental clarity, consuming focus, and physical alignment that allows for heightened productivity, creativity, achievement, and highly positive emotions. 

The color Blue has many positive connotations and just happens to be our favorite color. It is associated with purifying water, sky, freedom, elevated being, spirituality, trust, dependability, and great basketball teams.

The vision of Zone Blue is to create a local community with those who are living long, healthy, productive lives and operating “in the Zone” to become the best versions of themselves.